বাংলাদেশ পেট্রোলিয়াম এক্সপ্লোরেশন এন্ড প্রোডাকশন কোম্পানী
লিমিটেড এর নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান-২০২৩
পদের নাম: সহকারী ব্যবস্থাপক
পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- ২৭ জানুয়ারি ২০২৩
Exam Type: MCQ + Written
বাংলা প্রশ্ন সমাধানঃ-
১। শুদ্ধ বানান নির্ণয় করুনঃ
১. শুশ্রূষা
২. ভস্মীভূত
৩. দুষ্কৃতকারী
৪. অস্তায়মান
শব্দের অর্থ নির্ণয় করুনঃ
৫. অহর্নিশ = দিনরাত্রি
৬. চৌহদ্দি = সীমানা
৭. অর্ঘ = মূল্য [অর্ঘ্য অর্থ পূজার উপকরণ]
৮. চয়ন = সম্ভার
৯. আভরণ = অলংকার
১০. একাদশে বৃহস্পতি = সৌভাগ্যের বিষয়
ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন সমাধানঃ-
Find the meaning of the word.
১১. Exonerate = Acquit
১২. Perturb = Worry
১৩. Estrange = Alienate
১৪. Squander = Waste
১৫. Accolade = Honor
Fill in the blank (s).
১৬. You can only do it ——–my dead body.
(A) on
(B) over
(C) upon
(D) under
উত্তরঃ over
১৭. I did not do it intentionally; it was totally——-.
(A) inadvertent
(B) indeliberate
(C) incendiary
(D) inevitable
উত্তরঃ inadvertent
১৮. The present—— green forest of the area is a far cry from the dirty, foul smelling landfill that it was a decade ago.
(A) complete
(B) beautiful
(C) quiet
(D) lush
উত্তরঃ lush
১৯. Please do not intrude———-my privacy.
(A) on
(B) in
(C) into
(D) upon
উত্তরঃ into
২০. Today student should be reconciled———the way things are changing.
উত্তরঃ with
২১. Man who has committed such an ———crime must get the most severe punishment.
(A) abominable
(B) unworthy
(C) injurious
(D) utmost
উত্তরঃ abominable
২২. Nelson Mandela will go ———-in history as one of the greatest men that ever lived.
(A) down
(B) through
(C) by
(D) on
উত্তরঃ down
২৩. Before the ————of the Europeans in India, India was a free country.
(A) entry
(B) emigration
(C) advent
(D) immigration
উত্তরঃ advent
২৪. The king———– the throne and became a hermit.
(A) abolished
(B) abdicated
(C) abated
(D) adorned
উত্তরঃ abdicated
২৫. Anwar was debarred———— appearing in the exam.
(A) of
(B) against
(C) with
(D) from
উত্তরঃ from
সাধারণ জ্ঞান এবং কম্পিউটার প্রশ্ন সমাধানঃ-
- Gatwick Airport is located in
(A) UK
(C) Canada
(D) Italy
উত্তরঃ UK
- Which key combination is used to permanently delete a file or folder?
(A) Alt + delete
(B) CTRL+defète
(C) Shift + delete
(D) End + delete
উত্তরঃ Shift + delete
- What is the capital of Canada?
(A) Montreal
(B) Toronto
(C) Ottawa
(D) Edmonton
উত্তরঃ Ottawa
- India-Bangladesh Friendship Pipeline (IBFPL) will transport diesel from India to BPC depot in
(A) Tamabil
(B) Akhaura
(C) Benapole
(D) Parbatipur
উত্তরঃ Parbatipur
- In the digital world, loT stands for
(A) Internet of Technologies
(B) Internet of Things
(C) Internet of Transmission
(D) Intranet of Technologies
উত্তরঃ Internet of Things
- Which country’s population has dropped for the first time since 1961?
(A) Japan
(B) China
(C) England
(D) France
উত্তরঃ China
- In Excel, the COUNTA() function
(A) counts cells having alphabets
(B) counts empty cells
(C) counts cells having number
(D) counts non-empty cells
উত্তরঃ counts non-empty cells
- Keane Bridge is located in
(A) Bogra
(B) Mymensingh
(C) Khulna
(D) Sylhet
উত্তরঃ Sylhet
- The military operation carried out by the Pakistan Army in the erstwhile East Pakistan in March 1971 was named operation
(A) Searchlight
(B) Jackpot
(C) Blitz
(D) Jinnah
উত্তরঃ Searchlight
- Who won the Golden Boot award in 2022?
(A) Kylian Mbappe
(B) Emiliano Martinez
(C) Luka Modric
(D) Lionel Messi
উত্তরঃ Kylian Mbappe
- Who was the player of the tournament in ICC T20 World Cup 20222
(A) Ben Stokes
(B) Curran
(C) Babar Azam
(D) Shaheen Afridi
উত্তরঃ Sam Curran [England]
- The strait that runs between Asia and Europe is known as:
(A) Hormuz
(B) Bosphorus
(C) Bering
(D) Malacca
উত্তরঃ Bosphorus
- Historical Panam City is located in
(A) Dinajpur
(B) Rangpur
(C) Cumilla
(D) Narayangonj
উত্তরঃ Narayangonj
- Rabindra University is located at
(A) Mymensingh
(B) Shahzadpur
(C) Netrokona
(D) Modhupur
উত্তরঃ Shahzadpur [Sirajganj]
- Biontech, the company that invented COVID vaccine along with Pfizer, is a company.
(A) German
(B) Swedish
(C) French
(D) Spanish
উত্তরঃ German
- Bhasanchar is in the district of
(A) Rangamati
(B) Cox’s Bazar
(C) Noakhali
(D) Laxmipur
উত্তরঃ Noakhali
- Which of the following key combination is used to create a new document in MS Word?
(A) Ctrl+W
(B) Shift+N
(C) Ctrl+N
(D) AR+N
উত্তরঃ Ctrl+N
- The SDG goals are intended to be achieved by the year
(A) 2025
(B) 2030
(C) 2033
(D) 2041
উত্তরঃ 2030
- How many teams will participate in FIFA World Cup 2026?
(A) 32
(B) 40
(C) 48
(D) 56
উত্তরঃ 48
- Who is the new Prime Minister of New Zealand?
(A) Jacinda Ardern
(B) Chris Hipkins
(C) Carmel Sepuloni
(D) Christopher Luxon
উত্তরঃ Chris Hipkins [Chris Hipkins ২৫ জানুয়ারি ২০২৩ সালে প্রধানমন্ত্রী হন। এর আগে Jacinda Ardern প্রধানমন্ত্রী ছিলেন]
গণিত প্রশ্ন সমাধানঃ-
- Of the following, which is the closest to (6.01 x 501)/(25.05 x 19.99)?
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 15
উত্তরঃ 6
- In a store, pens are sold for 25% less than the tag price. If a pen costs Tk. 48, what will be the tag price of the pen to make a 25% profit on its cost?
(A) 64
(B) 72
(C) 80
(D) None
উত্তরঃ 80
- A train traveled p kms in 40 minutes and completed the remaining 200 kms of the trip in q minutes. What was its average speed, in km per hour for the entire trip?
(A) 60( p + 200 (40+ q)
(B) 240/(p+q)
(C) 4/(p+q)
(D) None
উত্তরঃ 60( p + 200 (40+ q)
- In an essay competition, a winner gets a prize of Tk 100 and a participant who does not win gets a prize of Tk 25. The total prize money distributed is Tk 3,000. Find the number of winners, if the total number of is 63
(A) 15
(B) 17
(C) 19
(D) 21
উত্তরঃ 19
- At 8 am two trains started traveling towards each other from stations 300 Km apart. They passed each other at 12 noon. the same day. If the average speed of the faster train was 9 km more than that of the slower train, then what is the speed of the faster train in km/hr?
(A) 40
(B) 42
(C) 45
(D) None
উত্তরঃ 42
- There are 8 marbles in a box – 6 red and 2 black. If you randomly pick 2 marbles simultaneously what is the probability that you will get one red and 1 black marble?
(A) 3/7
(B) 3/14
(C) 3/8
(D) None
উত্তরঃ 3/7
- Jashim and Imran start walking from A to B at 5 and 3 km per hour respectively. Jashim reaches B and starts back for A. How far from B will he meet Imran if the distance between A and B is 32 km?
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 9
(D) 12
উত্তরঃ 8
- Babu bought two varieties of pulse, costing Tk. 50 and Tk. 60 per Kg. each, and mixed them in some ratio. He then sold the mixture at Tk. 70 per kg., making a profit of 20 percent. What was the ratio of the mixture?
(A) 1:10
(B) 1:5
(C) 2:7
(D) None
উত্তরঃ 1:5
- 3/8 of all applicants for a job are male. 3/4 of all applicants are rejected in the first round including 2/3 of all male applicants. What fraction of applicants remaining after the first round are male?
(A) 1/2
(B) 1/4
(C) 2/9
(D) None
উত্তরঃ 1/2
- x, y are positive integers. When x is divided by y, the remainder is 5. If x/y=5.20, what is the value of x?
(A) 130
(B) 155
(C) 330
(D) 425
উত্তরঃ 130
- Which of the following is an acceptable order for the arrangement?
(A) A, Z, C, D, Y, B, and X.
(B) C, B. A, D, Z, Y, and X.
(C) D, Z, A, C, B, X, and Y.
(D) X. A, Y, C, D, B, and Z.
- If Z, D and A occupy three consecutive chairs – in the same order, then C must Occupy
(A) 2nd
(B) 3rd
(C) 4th
(D) 5th
- If C occupies the 1st who could occupy the fourth chair?
(A) A
(B) B
(C) B
(D) Y
- If Y occupies the sixth chair, C could occupy any chair except
(A) 1st
(B) 2nd
(C) 4th
(D) 5th
- If X occupies the last chair and A occupies the 2nd chair, who must occupy chair no 1?
(A) Y
(B) Z
(C) B
(D) D