Combined 8 Bank Officer General Written Exam Question Solution-2022


সমন্বিত ৮ ব্যাংকের অফিসার জেনারেল পদের

নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান-২০২২

পদের নামঃ- অফিসার জেনারেল
পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ- ১৯-০৮-২০২২

General Knowledge:

A. What does CDBL stand for?

Ans: CDBL stands for Central Depository Bangladesh Limited.

B. In which city, is the headquarters of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) located?

Ans: The headquarters of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is located in Mandaluyong, Philippines.

C. Where and when was the first provisional government of independent Bangladesh formed?

Ans: The first provisional government of Bangladesh was formed in Mujibnagar Meherpur on 10 April 1971.

D. In Bangladesh, the stock investors need to open a BO account. What does BO stand for?

Ans: BO account stands for Beneficiary Owners Account.

E. What is the deepest river in the world called?

Ans: The deepest river in the world is the Congo River.

F. What is the Russian alternative to SWIFT called?

Ans: The Russian alternative to SWIFT is called SPFS.

G. Which country will the Asia Cup 2022 cricket tournament be held in? Who is the host country?

Ans: The Asia cup 2022 will be held in UAE. The host country is Srilanka.

H. Where will the COP27 conference of 2022 take place in?

Ans: The COP-27 Conference will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

I. Who invented the first alternating current (AC) motor?

Ans: Alternating current (AC) was invented by Nikola Tesla.

J. What does CIB of Bangladesh Bank stand for?

Ans: CIB of Bangladesh stands for Credit Information Bureau.

PDF Detail  

TitleCombined 8 Bank
Size1.26 MB
Number of Pages5
Categoriesপ্রশ্ন সমাধান
Downloading status FREE 

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