বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক সহকারী পরিচালক (জেনারেল)পদের
নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান-২০১৬
Bangladesh Bank AD Question and Solution-2016
১। The gift of the gab means
(ক) an unexpected gain
(খ) a X-mas gift
(গ) Thought provoking oration
(ঘ) fluency of speech✔
২। A fools ‘ paradise means
(ক) false hopes for a foolish person✔
(খ) an imaginary idea
(গ) an unexpected gain
(ঘ) a foolish person
৩। To cry wolf
(ক) to overcome someone
(খ) to turn pale
(গ) to ruin overself
(ঘ) to give false alarm✔
৪। A hard nut to crack is
(ক) one who is very obstinate
(খ) very difficult child
(গ) problem that is hard to be solved✔
(ঘ) a walnut or a fruit
৫। To the ends of the earth
(ক)upto a certain limit
(খ) till losing one’s interest
(গ) everywhere✔
(ঘ) till losing one’s patience
৬। The total of the ages of Ali , Gazi and Masud is 93 years. Ten years ago, the ratio of their ages was 2 : 3 : 4 . What is the present age of Masud ?
(ক) 24 years
(খ) 38 years✔
(গ) 34 years
(ঘ) 32 years
৭। What will be the least number which when doubled with be exactly divisible by 12, 18, 21 and 30 ?
(ক) 630✔
(খ) 1260
(গ) 2520
(ঘ) 196
৮। A train 800 meters long is running at a speed of 78 km/hr . If it crosses a tunnel in 1 minute, then the length of the tunnel ( in meters ) is :
(ক) 360
(খ) 500✔
(গ) 540
(ঘ) 130
৯। If 4 (A’s capital) = 6 (B’s capital), then out of a profit of TK. 4650, C will receive :
(ক) 900✔
(খ) 1550
(গ) 2250
(ঘ) 465
১০। How many times in a day, are the hands of a cock in straight line but opposite in direction ?
(ক) 22✔
(খ) 24
(গ) 48
(ঘ) 20
১১। ‘সুখী মানুষ সূর্যোদয়ে আনন্দিত হয় এবং রাত্রির আগমনে পুলকিত হয়ে থাকে।’ – কোন ধরনের বাক্য ?
(ক) যৌগিক✔
(খ) মিশ্র
(গ) জটিল
(ঘ) সরল
১২। আঠারো বছরের বৈশিষ্ট্য নয় –
(ক) ভয়ংকর
(খ) ভীরু✔
(গ) নির্ভীক
(ঘ) দুর্বার
১৩। নিচের কোন দুটি সমার্থক শব্দ ?
(ক) বীচি : ওদন
(খ) বারিদ : সুধাকর
(গ) অম্বু : অহন
(ঘ) কৃশানু : পাবক✔
১৪। অর্ক– শব্দের সমর্থক শব্দ হচ্ছে –
(ক) প্রভাকর✔
(খ) প্রভাকর
(গ) বায়ু
(ঘ) নভমন্ডল
১৫। কোনটি সমার্থক শব্দগুচ্ছ নয় ?
(ক) রূপ, আকার , আদল, আকৃতি
(খ) অশ্ব, হয়, মাতঙ্গ, তুরঙ্গ✔
(গ) আয়তন, পরিসর, পরিধি, পরিমাণ
(ঘ) বাঘ, শার্দূল, শেল, ব্যাগ্র
১৬। Which of the following is not a micro computer ?
(ক) Tablet PCs
(খ) Laptop PCs
(গ) Desktop PCs
(ঘ) None of these✔
১৭। Which operation is not performed by computer
(ক) Processing
(খ) Controlling
(গ) Understanding✔
(ঘ) Inputting
১৮। MICR stands for
(ক) Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
(খ) Magnetic Ink Character Reader✔
(গ) Magnetic Ink Code Reader
(ঘ) None of them
১৯। Which is not a computer classification ?
(ক) maxframe✔
(খ) mainframe
(গ) mini
(ঘ) notebook
২০। Which of the following is associated with error detector ?
(ক) Even parity bit
(খ) Odd parity bit
(গ) Both of A & B✔
(ঘ) None of them
২১। Which institution first published the complete map of Bangladesh’s sea boundary ?
(ক) Marine Academy
(খ) Dhaka University
(গ) Institute of Marine Sciences and Fisheries✔
(ঘ) None of these
২২। Ramon Magsaysay Award is given from
(ক) Malaysia
(খ) Australia
(গ) Philippines✔
(ঘ) Indonesia
২৩। The present per capita income of Bangladesh is
(ক) 1300 US dollar
(খ) 1314 US dollar✔
(গ) 1200 US dollar
(ঘ) None of these
২৪। ৪) Who is the designer of the National Flag of Bangladesh ?
(ক) Zainul Abedin
(খ) Kamrul Hasan✔
(গ) Badrul Hasan
(ঘ) All of them
২৫। Who scored the first ever per feet ’10’ gymnastics
(ক) Nadia Comaneci✔
(খ) Olga Korbut
(গ) Valentina Turisheva
(ঘ) Svetlana Khorkina
২৬। ‘চোরকে বলে চুতি করতে , গৃহস্থকে বলে সজাগ থাকতে’ –এর সুন্দর ইংরেজি হবেঃ
(ক)The devil wouldn’t listen to the scripture
(খ)Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds✔
(গ) Birds of a feather flock together
(ঘ) None of these
২৭।‘জ্ঞানপাপী‘ বলে –
(ক) জ্ঞানের বড়াই করে যে
(খ) বাস্তবে জ্ঞানের প্রয়োগ করে না যে
(গ) সজ্ঞানে অন্যায় করে যে✔
(ঘ) অনেক জ্ঞান আছে যার
২৮। সবুজপত্র সম্পাদনা করেন –
(ক) প্রমথ চৌধুরী✔
(খ) নজরুল
(গ) রবীন্দ্রনাথ
(ঘ) বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র
২৯। ‘সিকি’ কোন ধরনের শব্দ ?
(ক) অংকবাচক
(খ) তারিখবাচক
(গ) পূওণবাচক
(ঘ) গণনাবাচক✔
৩০। কোনটি রবীন্দ্রনাথের লেখা –
(ক) শ্রীকান্ত
(খ) বেলা-অবেলা
(গ) নবনী
(ঘ) সেঁজুতি✔
৩১। On the results of the survey ……. and the type of campaign , we shall wage .
(ক) depend the extend
(খ)depend the extent✔
(গ) depending the extend
(ঘ) depends the extend
৩২। Neither the salesmen nor the marketing manager …………. of the system .
(ক) is in favour✔
(খ) is favouring
(গ) are in favour
(ঘ) are for favour
৩৩। The decoration of the new office block, including the furniture and curtains, ………..
(ক) is more pleasing
(খ) is most pleasing✔
(গ) are more pleasing
(ঘ) have most pleasing
৩৪। Please vote for the member …………. has done the most for our village.
(ক) who you believe✔
(খ) who you believed
(গ) that you believe
(ঘ) whom you believe
৩৫। The chief competitor , as well as ourselves , …………….. prices this summer .
(ক) are obliged in rising
(খ) is obliged to rising
(গ) is obliged to raise✔
(ঘ) are obliged to raise
৩৬। Fortuitous : Inherent :: ? :
(ক) Legible : Indelible
(খ) Rugged : Endurable
(গ) Envious : Desire
(ঘ) Gregarious : Introverted✔
৩৭। Alleviate : Aggravate :: ? : ?
(ক) Elastic : Rigid✔
(খ) Elevate : Agree
(গ) Joke : Worry
(ঘ) Level : Grade
৩৮। Desultory : Methodical :: ? : ?
(ক) Integral : Unified✔
(খ) Dissipated : Concentrated
(গ) Unborn : Died
(ঘ) Villain : Mighty
৩৯। Exempt : Obliged :: ? : ?
(ক) Affluent : Fluent
(খ) Steadfast : Reputed
(গ) Valiant : Mighty
(ঘ) Immune : Susceptible✔
৪০। Opaque : Transparent : ?
(ক) Concentrated : Dissipated✔
(খ) Tepid : Seething
(গ) Intimate : Famous
(ঘ) Turbid : Swollen
৪১। ACCRETION – Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning
(ক) stack
(খ) addition
(গ) procession
(ঘ) erosion✔
৪২। APPLAUD – Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning
(ক) criticise✔
(খ) request
(ঘ) flatter
৪৩। DEFAULT – Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning
(খ) principal
(গ) payment✔
(ঘ) evasion
৪৪। PROFOUND – Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning
(ক) obscure
(খ) superficial✔
(গ) intense
(ঘ) hidden
৪৫। TRANSMIT – Select the word or phrase that is most closely opposite in meaning
(ক) show
(খ) reply
(গ) televise
(ঘ) withhold✔
৪৬। কোন শব্দটি বিশেষ্য বিশেষণ উভয় রূপে ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে ?
(ক) দেশ
(খ) ব্যাথা
(গ) সুন্দর
(ঘ) বন্দর✔
৪৭। ‘বন্দুক–বারুদ’ শব্দ দুটি
(ক) তুর্কি✔
(খ) ফারসি
(গ) আরবি
(ঘ) হিন্দি
৪৮। ‘পদ্মাবতী’ – একটি
(ক) মৌলিক রচনা
(খ) অনুবাদ গ্রন্থ✔
(গ) ভ্রমণকাহিনী
(ঘ) কোনটিই নয়
৪৯। ‘মান্ধাতার আমল’ –এখানে ‘মান্ধাতা’ হলোঃ
(ক) প্রাচীনকাল
(খ) বহু পুরোনো কিছু
(গ) অন্ধকারময়
(ঘ) এক রাজার নাম✔
৫০।‘Morphology’ –এর বঙ্গানুবাদ হল –
(ক) রূপতত্ত্ব✔
(খ) অর্থতত্ত্ব
(গ) ধ্বনিতত্ত্ব
(ঘ) বাক্যতত্ত্ব
৫১। Tow numbers A and B are such that the sum of 5% of A and 4%of B is two-third of the sum of 6% of A and 8%of B. Find the ratio of A : B .
(ক) 1 : 1
(খ) 3 : 4
(গ) 4 : 3✔
(ঘ) 2 : 3
৫২। If the number 5 * 2 is divisible by 6, then * = ?
(ক) 3
(খ) 6
(গ) 7
(ঘ) 2✔
৫৩। 3 pumps , working 8 hours a day, can empty a tank in 2 days. How many hours a day must 4 pumps work to empty the tank in 1 day ?
(ক) 10
(খ) 11
(গ) 12✔
(ঘ) 9
৫৪। Which of the following trains is the fastest ?
(ক) 25 m/sec
(খ) 1500 m/min
(গ) 90 km/hr
(ঘ) None of these✔
৫৫। A student was asked to find the arithmetic mean of the numbers 3, 11, 7, 9, 15, 13, 8, 19, 17, 21, 14, and x. He found the mean to be 12. What should be the number in place of x ?
(ক) 7
(খ) 17✔
(গ) 31
(ঘ) 3
৫৬। Find the smallest number by which 5808 should be multiplied so that the product becomes a perfect square .
(ক) 3✔
(খ) 7
(গ) 11
(ঘ) 2
৫৭। The interest on a certain deposit at 4.5% p.a. is TK. 202.50 in one year. How much will the additional interest in one year be on the same deposit at 5% p.a. ?
(ক) 22.50✔
(খ) 25
(গ) 20.25
(ঘ) 42.75
৫৮। 2-[ 2 – { 2 – 2 ( 2 +2 ) } ] = ?
(ক) -4
(খ) 6
(গ) 4
(ঘ) None of these✔
৫৯। If 0.4 of a number is equal to 0.06 of another number, the ratio of the numbers is :
(ক) 3:4
(খ) 3:20✔
(গ) 20:3
(ঘ) 2:3
৬০। The breadth of a rectangular field is 60% of its length . If the perimeter of the field is 800 m, what is the area of the field ?
(ক) 37500 sq.m✔
(খ) 40000 sq.m
(গ) 48000 sq.m
(ঘ) 18750 sq.m
৬১। Peter purchased a machine for TK. 80,000 and spent TK. 5,000 on repair and TK. 1,000 on transport and sold it with 25% profit , At what price did he sell the machine ?
(ক) TK.1,06,250
(খ) TK.1,07,500✔
(গ) TK.1,17,500
(ঘ) TK.1,05,100
৬২। A takes twice as much time as B or thrice as much time as C to finish a piece of work . Working together , they can finish the work in 2 days . B can do the work alone in :
(ক) 6 days✔
(খ) 8 days
(গ) 12 days
(ঘ) 4 days
৬৩। Which of the following fractions is greater than 3/4 and less than 5/6 ?
(ক) 2/3
(খ) 4/5✔
(গ) 9/10
(ঘ) 1/2
৬৪। Arrange the following in a meaningful sequence :
(ক) Consultation
(খ) Illness
(গ) Treatment
(ঘ) Recovery✔
৬৫। If X is brother of son of Y’s son, then how is X related to Y ?
(ক) Cousin
(খ) Grandson✔
(গ) Son
(ঘ) Brother
৬৬। 2, 5, 9, 19, 37, ?
(ক) 75
(খ) 76
(গ) 78
(ঘ) 73
৬৭। Rahim ranks seventh from the top and twenty-sixth from the bottom in class . How many students are there in the class ?
(ক) 32✔
(খ) 33
(গ) 34
(ঘ) 31
৬৮। When you see a blind man trying to cross the road , you
(ক) go and help him✔
(খ) ignore and move on
(গ) ask someone to help him
(ঘ) wait till he crosses the road
৬৯। Z, U, Q, ?, L
(ক) K
(খ) M
(গ) N✔
(ঘ) I
৭০। If A > B, B > C and C > D, then which of the following conclusions is definitely wrong ?
(ক) A > C
(খ) D > A✔
(গ) A > D
(ঘ) B > D
৭১। Which letter in the alphabet is as far from G as T is from M ?
(ক) N✔
(খ) O
(গ) P
(ঘ) M
৭২। Among P, Q, R, S and T, Q is the second tallest and S is immediate taller than the shortest . Who among them is in the middle when they stand in the order of their heights ? (1). T is not the shortest (2). R is taller than S but shorter than Q . (3). P ranks third in height above S when all are arranged in the order of height .
(ক) Only 1 and 2
(খ) Only 2 and 3
(গ) Either 2 only or 1 and 3 only
(ঘ) Only 2✔
৭৩। How many days are there in x weeks x days?
(ক) 8x✔
(খ) 14x
(গ) 7
(ঘ) 7×2
৭৪। Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 5 and 6 hours respectively. Pipe C can empty it in 12 hours. If all the three pipes are opened together, then the tank will be filled in:
(ক) 2811 hours
(খ) 3917 hours✔
(গ) 412 hours
(ঘ) 11317 hours
(ক) 30
(খ) 32
(গ) 22✔
(ঘ) None of these
৭৬। ‘ঐকতান’ বোঝায়
(ক) সমস্বর✔
(খ) ঐক্য
(গ) সমবেদনা
(ঘ) বংশীধ্বনি
৭৭। কোনটি শুদ্ধ –
(ক) মরু + উদ্যান = মরুদ্যান
(খ) পরি + ইক্ষা =পরীক্ষা
(গ) প্রতি + উষ =প্রত্যুষ✔
(ঘ) গঙ্গা + উর্মি = গঙ্গোর্মি
৭৮। আকাশ ও পৃথিবীর অন্তরালকে এক কথায় বলেঃ
(ক) ক্রন্দসী✔
(খ) অতলস্পর্শী
(গ) আমশি
(ঘ) রোদসী
৭৯। প্রবোধকুমার কোন সাহিত্যিকের প্রকৃত নাম ?
(ক) তারাশঙ্কর বন্দোপাধ্যায়
(খ) মানিক বন্দোপাধ্যায়✔
(গ) বিভূতিভূষণ বন্দোপাধ্যায়
(ঘ) বুদ্ধদেব বসু
৮০। কোনটি কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের রচনা নয়-
(ক) ছায়ানট
(খ) ব্যাথার দান✔
(গ) মধুমালা
(ঘ) নিজে চেষ্টা করুন
৮১। Signals can be analog or digital and a computer that processes the both type of signals is known as
(ক) Digital computer
(খ) Hybrid computer✔
(গ) Analog computer
(ঘ) Mainframe computer
৮২। The word length of a computer is measured in
(ক) Millimeters
(খ) Meters
(গ) Bits✔
(ঘ) Bytes
৮৩। A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language is called a/an
(ক) Simulator
(খ) Compiler✔
(গ) Interpreter
(ঘ) Commander
৮৪। Which unit is known as nerve center of computer ?
(ক) CU
(খ) Memory
(গ) ALU✔
(ঘ) Registers
৮৫। Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called ?
(ক) High-density disks
(খ) Diskettes✔
(গ) Hard disks
(ঘ) Templates
৮৬। The 15th Amendment of the Bangladesh Constitution abolished ………….
(ক) Caretaker government System✔
(খ) Reserved Seats for Women
(গ) Islam as State Religion
(ঘ) Secularism
৮৭। The capital city of Myanmar is :
(ক) Yangon
(খ) Naypi Daw✔
(গ) Manadalay
(ঘ) Bagan
৮৮। Which one is constitutional organization ?
(ক) Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission
(খ) Bangladesh Privatization Board
(গ) Bangladesh Election Commission✔
(ঘ) Bangladesh Investment Board
৮৯। The Cactus Curtain separates Guantanamo Naval Base from :
(ক) Cuba✔
(খ) Mexico
(গ) Barbados
(ঘ) Samoa
৯০। The Louvre museum is in :
(ক) Rome
(খ) Vienna
(গ) Geneva
(ঘ) Paris✔
৯১। How many were accused in the Agartala conspiracy case including Banglabandhu?
(ক) 35 persons✔
(খ) 39 persons
(গ) 51 persons
(ঘ) 19 persons
৯২। what is the name of Malaysian Currency?
(ক) Dinar
(খ) Ringgit
(গ) Rial
(ঘ) Rupiah✔
৯৩। World Population Day is observed on
(ক) 11 July✔
(খ) 10 December
(গ) 17 October
(ঘ) 21 June
৯৪। what kind of organization of the Bangladesh government is DAE?
(ক) Agriculture✔
(খ) Education
(ঘ) Drag
৯৫। The Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya is contiguous with what famous national park of Tanzania?
(ক) Kruger
(খ) The Serengeti✔
(গ) Okavango
(ঘ) Faro
৯৬। First medicine park of Bangladesh is being established in
(খ) Gajaria✔
(গ) Bhaluka
(ঘ) Khulna
৯৭। Usain Bolt is a citizen of
(ক) Sudan
(খ) Jamaica✔
(গ) Barbados
(ঘ) England
৯৮। The last film of Humayun Ahmed was
(ক) Sarban Megher Dine
(খ) Nandita Narake
(গ) Ghetuputra Kamala✔
(ঘ) Common Gender
৯৯। who is called the ‘Father of the Green Revolution’?
(ক) Henry A Wallace
(খ) Norman Borlaug✔
(গ) Rachel Carson
(ঘ) Joseph Watson
১০০। How much is the percentage of technocrat ministers allowed in the cabinet of Bangladesh Government ?
(ক) 10 Percent✔
(খ) 20 Percent
(গ) 1 percent
(ঘ) None of these
আরো পড়ুনঃ-
- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক এর সহকারী পরিচালক পদের প্রশ্নের ব্যাখ্যাসহ সমাধান-২০২৩
- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক এর সহকারী পরিচালক পদের নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান ২০২১
- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক অফিসার জেনারেল প্রশ্ন সমাধান 2018
- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক অফিসার জেনারেল পদের পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান-২০১৮
- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক অফিসার (জেনারেল সাইড) পদের নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান-২০১৫
- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক এর সহকারী পরিচালক পদের নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান-২০১৪
- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক এর সহকারী পরিচালক পদের নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান-২০১২
- বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক এর অফিসার পদের নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান-২০১১
- ২০১০-২০২০ বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক লিখিত গণিত সমাধান পিডিএফ ডাউনলোড
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