ডাচ বাংলা ব্যাংক লিমিটেড (DBBL) এর ম্যানেজমেন্ট ট্রেইনি অফিসার
পদে নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান ২০১২
Dutch Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL) Management Trainee Officer Job Exam Question and Solution 2012
পদের নামঃ- ম্যানেজমেন্ট ট্রেইনি অফিসার
বাংলা প্রশ্ন সমাধান
১.‘শাঁখের করাত’–বাগধারাটির অর্থ কি?
ক) অবাস্তব
খ) সূক্ষ্ম কারুকাজ
গ) দর্প
ঘ) উভয় সংকট✔
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
২.‘তিনি যখন চাঁদপুরে থাকতেন, তখন প্রত্যহ নদীর তীরে হাঁটতেন’–এটি কোন শ্রেণীর বাক্য?
ক) সরল বাক্য
খ) সূজটিল বাক্য✔
গ) যৌগিক বাক্য
ঘ) ব্যাসবাক্য
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
৩.সন্ধি-বিচ্ছেদ করুনঃ ‘তিরস্কার’–
ক) তিরস + কার
খ) সূতির + স্কার
গ) তিরঃ + কার✔
ঘ) তিরস + কার
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
৪.মীর মশাররফ হোসেনের ‘বিষাদ সিন্ধু’ একটি —
ক) আত্মজীবনী
খ) সূকাব্যগ্রন্থ
গ) উপন্যাস✔
ঘ) প্রবন্ধ সংকলন
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
৫.কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধ?
ক) প্রণয়ণ
খ) সূপ্রনয়ন
গ) প্রনয়ণ
ঘ) প্রণয়ন✔
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
৬.কোন সালে রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের ১৫০ তম জন্মবার্ষিকী পালিত হয়?
ক) ১৯৬১
খ) সূ১৯৮১
গ) ২০১১✔
ঘ) ২০১০
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
৭.বাংলা সাহিত্যে চলিত ভাষার প্রবর্তক কে?
ক) ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগর
খ) সূপ্রমথ চৌধুরী✔
গ) সৈয়দ মুজতবা আলী
ঘ) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
৮.‘সূর্য’ –এর প্রতিশব্দ কোনটি?
ক) অবনী
খ) সূনিশানাথ
গ) সবিতা✔
ঘ) উদক
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
৯.এক কথায় প্রকাশ করুন : ‘নূপুরের ধ্বনি’–
ক) গর্জন
খ) সূকেকা
গ) কুহু
ঘ) নিক্বণ✔
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
১০.বাক্য সংকোচন করুন : ‘শোনা মাত্র স্মরণ রাখতে পারে যে’ :
ক) শ্রুতিধর✔
খ) সূজাতিস্মর
গ) স্মরণধর
ঘ) শ্রুতিশীল
ঙ) কোনোটিই নয়
ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন সমাধান
- When are you planning to come back?
a) Last Friday
b) By bus
c) With my friend
d) Day after tomorrow✔
e) None of these
- For how long did you watch TV last night?
a) Watched TV
b) A drama
c) Approximately three hours✔
d) Nothing
e) None of these
- Where did you spend your last weekend?
a) I played chess
b) I had a good lunch
c) I Watched a drama
d) Red Shirt✔
e) None of these
- What is his brother’s age?
a) A businessman
b) 5 feet tall
c) Very handsome
d) 18 years✔
e) None of these
- Who was standing with you?
a) My friend✔
b) Near my house
c) On a stone
d) A stick
e) None of these
- Fill in the gap : If I —-not met you, I would still be living in Delhi now.
a) have
b) had✔
c) were
d) did
e) None of these
- Fill in the gap : The branch of the tree is —high for the boy —-climb.
a) so, that
b) too, to✔
c) so, very
d) very, to
e) None of these
- Fill in the gap : I do not like a person who hankers —wealth.
a) for
b) to
c) from
d) after✔
e) None of these
- Fill in the gap : —–the fact that she was exhausted, she continued to study.
a) Despite of
b) Despite✔
c) In spite
d) In spite that
e) None of these
- Fill in the gap : Where discipline is concerned, I must put my foot —-.
a) down✔
b) on
c) in
d) off
e) None of these
গণিত প্রশ্ন সমাধান
১. The ratio of income of Kamran and Dolon is 3 : 4. The ratio of their expenditures is 4 : 5. Find the ratio of their savings if the savings of Kamran is one fourth of his income?
a) 5 : 4
b) 19 : 12
c) 4 : 6
d) 12 : 19✔
e) 10 : 20
২. The average of 5 positive integers is 60. If the average of 3 of these integers is 67, what is the greatest possible value that one of the other two integers can have?
a) 98.5
b) 63.5
c) 99
d) 98✔
e) Cannot be determined
৩. How many liters of fuel are needed for a steamer to sail 2400 kilometers if it uses 40 liters of fuel to sail 320 kilometers?
a) 250
b) 255
c) 260
d) 300✔
e) None of these
৪. Some marbles are divided between two brothers, Lipu and Tipu in a ratio of 15.8 and the difference in the number of marbles they get is 14. How many marbles did Tipu get?
a) 14
b) 5
c) 10
d) 16✔
e) None of these
৫. If r=3z and 9z=6y, then r=?
a) y
b) 2y✔
c) 5y
d) 10y
e) None of these
৬. A two-digit number has 6 in its unit digit. The sum of its digits is one-fourth of the number itself. What is the number?
a) 36✔
b) 46
c) 66
d) 76
e) None of these
৭. Mr. Jamal employed 50 workers to finish a work within 30 days. After 20 days he found out that only 50% of the work had been completed. How many additional workers will Mr. Jamal need to finish the work in time?
a) 100
b) 50✔
c) 40
d) 35
e) None of these
৮. Arif incurred a loss of 25% by selling a used mobile phone set at taka 1500. How much could he gain/lose by selling it at 2,200 taka?
a) 10% loss
b) 20% gain
c) 10% gain✔
d) 20% loss
e) None of these
৯. 60% of the students of a college are male. 60% of the males in the college speak French and 40% of the students of the college speak French. What is the percentage of the females in the college who do not speak French?
a) 40%
b) 90%
c) 60%
d) 85%
e) None of these✔
১০. which of the following fractions is smaller than 8/9 and greater than 2/5?
a) 3/7✔
b) 3/8
c) 7/18
d) 9/23
e) None of these
তথ্য প্রযুক্তি প্রশ্ন সমাধান
১. In which of the following generations of computer, IC chips were used first?
a) Second
b) Third✔
c) Fourth
d) Fifth
e) None of these
২. Computer software includes which of the following?
a) Application programs
b) OS
c) Packaged programs
d) All of these✔
e) None of these
৩. All the logical and mathematical calculations done by the computer happen in/on the —-
a) Motherboard
b) Memory
c) Hard disk
d) CPU✔
e) None of these
৪. A person who uses his or her expertise to gain access to other people’s computers to get information illegally or do damage is called a —
a) Spammer
b) Hacker✔
c) Programmer
d) Analyst
e) None of these
৫. Main memory works in conjunction with which of the following?
a) Special function Card
b) NIC
c) Graphics card
d) CPU✔
e) None of these
৬. The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called —
a) Downloading
b) Uploading
c) Processing
d) FTP✔
e) None of these
৭. Which of the following are required to connect your computer to the Internet?
a) PDA, Web camera, and an ISP
b) Telephone line, Modem, and an ISP✔
c) VGA card, Telephone line, and RAM
d) Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse
e) None of these
৮. 1 KB = how many bytes?
a) 1000
b) 1024✔
c) 1000,000
d) 65,636
e) None of these
৯. Which one of the following will help you to improve your LAN security?
a) Changing passwords frequently
b) Installing a spyware program
c) Using a proxy
d) All of these✔
e) None of these
১০. Which one of the following is true about firewalls?
a) It filters network traffic
b) It can be either a hardware or software device
c) It follows a set of rules
d) All of these✔
e) None of these
১১. Which one of the following devices is specially designed to forward packets over the internet to specific ports based on the packet’s address?
a) Specialty
b) Switching hub✔
c) Port hub
d) filtering hub
e) None of these
১২. In a computer, after the booting process which file executes automatically?
a) autoexec.bat✔
b) config.sys
c) command.com
d) io.sys
e) None of these
১৩. Which one of the following is read only memory storage device?
a) CD-ROM✔
b) Hard-disk
c) Floppy disk
d) Pen drive
e) None of these
১৪. In a computer, which one of the following devices is capable of storing only a single bit?
a) Keyboard
c) Inductor
d) Flip-flop✔
e) None of these
১৫. Which one of the following commands can be used to recreate a storage disk’s tracks and sectors?
e) None of these
১৬. In a computer, the Operating System manages—-
a) Memory
b) processes
c) I/O devices
d) All of these✔
e) None of these
১৭. Which one of the following Operating Systems is appropriate to implement a Client-Serves Network?
b) Windows 2003
c) Windows 98
d) Windows 95
e) None of these✔
১৮. For which of the following purposes spreadsheets cannot be used?
a) Simple database management
b) Loan Calculations
c) Budgeting
d) Trigonometric calculations✔
e) None of these
১৯. In MS Excel, which one of the following a cell cannot contain?
a) Values
b) Labels
c) Formula✔
d) Record
e) None of these
২০. Which one of the following companies is a leading manufacturer of Hard Disk Drives?
a) Seagate✔
b) Samsung
c) fujitsu
d) Lenovo
e) None of these
২১. Which one of the following is the first calculating device?
a) Differential engine
b) Abacus✔
c) Analog calculator
d) Clock
e) None of these
২২. Which one of the following cables can transmit data at high speeds?
a) Co-axial Cables
b) Twisted pair cables
c) Fibre optic cables✔
d) UTP cables
e) None of these
২৩. What is the other name for LAN Card?
a) Modem
b) Internet card
c) Net connector
d) NIC✔
e) None of these
২৪. In computers, what is the smallest and basic unit of information storage?
a) Bit✔
b) Byte
c) Megabyte
d) Gigabyte
e) None of these
২৫. Usually, in MSDOS, the primary hard disk drives has the drive letter —
a) A
b) B
c) C✔
d) Any letter
e) None of these
২৬. Which one of the following statements is true?
a) Cache Memories are larger than RAM
b) Cache Memories are smaller than RAM✔
c) Information in ROM can be written by users
d) ROM are faster than RAM
e) None of these
২৭. Memory Unit is a part of
a) CPU✔
b) Input devices
c) Output devices
d) Control Unit
e) None of these
২৮. In Windows operating system, what is the shortcut key for printing a word document?
a) Ctrl+P✔
b) Shift+P
c) Ctrl+Alt+P
d) Alt+P
e) None of these
২৯. Which one of the following is not a database?
a) Oracle
b) AJAX✔
c) MySQL
d) SQL Server
e) None of these
৩০. Which one of the following is not a type of a computer printer?
a) Laser
b) Dot Matrix
c) Dual core
d) Ink Jet✔
e) None of these
৩১. Which one of the following enables the mobile devices to access internet resources?
a) WAP✔
b) ISP
c) TCP
e) None of these
৩২. Which one of the following is not an open source operating system?
a) Linux
b) Unix
c) Windows✔
d) Sun Solaris
e) None of these
৩৩. Which one of the following is not a valid function in MS Excel?
a) ABS
d) AVG
e) None of these
৩৪. Which one of the following is a storage device?
a) CPU
b) Modem
c) Floppy disk✔
d) Printer
e) None of these
৩৫. In MS Excel, which one of the following options will you use to show the results of the top 10 students in a class where the class size is 100?
a) Sort ascending✔
b) Sort Descending
c) Conditional Sorting
d) Filter
e) None of these
৩৬. Which one of the following converts scanned text into editable text?
a) Touch sereen
b) Image scanner
c) OCR✔
d) OMR
e) None of these
৩৭. Which one of the following devices is the most common output device?
a) Keyboard
b) Monitor✔
c) Scanner
d) Printer
e) None of these
৩৮. In MS Word, which one of the following options is used to create different formatting for different sections?
a) Section break
b) Section formatting✔
c) Page break
d) Page section
e) None of these
৩৯. Which one of the following keys is most often used to align columns of text accurately?
a) Border
b) Tab
c) Enter
d) Space✔
e) None of these
৪০. Which one of the following tools is used in Business intelligence?
b) Data mining
c) Web mining
d) All of these✔
e) None of these
৪১. Which one of the following Operating Systems is not a multitasking operating system?
a) DOS✔
b) Linux
c) Windows 98
d) Unix
e) None of these
৪২. Which one of the following components impacts one the processing speed of a computer?
a) RAM
b) Bus width
c) Cache Memory
d) All of these✔
e) None of these
৪৩. Using which of the following ports can you connect an electronic musical instrument to your computer?
a) PS2
b) USB
c) HDX
d) MIDI✔
e) None of these
৪৪. In MS Word, which one of the following shortcut commands is used to open a new window?
a) Ctrl + N✔
b) Shift + N
c) Ctrl+W
d) Alt +W
e) None of these
৪৫. MS PowerPoint is an example of which one of the following?
a) Application Software✔
b) System Software
c) OS
d) Browser
e) None of these
৪৬. LAN stands for which one of the following?
a) Low Area Network
b) Local Area Network✔
c) Local Agent Network
d) Large Area Network
e) None of these
৪৭. In MS PowerPoint, which one of the following function keys is used to start a slide show?
a) F1
b) F2
c) F5✔
d) F12
e) None of these
৪৮. Which one of the following is the most important part of a Computer system?
a) Hardware✔
b) Software
c) Data
d) User
e) None of these
৪৯. A company that provides internet access to common people is called—-
a) Internet Service Provider (ISP) ✔
b) Internet Connection Setter (ICS)
c) Internet Access supplier (IAS)
d) All of these
e) None of these
৫০. The decimal number equivalent of (1010)2 is=
a) 5010
b) 2210
c) 1010
d) 2010
e) None of these
৫১. If meeting O is an Saturday , meeting K must take place on which day ?
a) Monday
b) Tuesday
c) Wednesday✔
d) Thursday
৫২. Which of the following represents a possible ordering of meetings on three consecutive days?
a) P,O,M✔
b) O,J,M
c) M,N,J
d) K,L,O
৫৩. Which is the latest day of the week on which meeting L can take place?
a) Saturday✔
b) Friday
c) Wednesday
d) Thursday
৫৪. How many litters of apple juice were added to the orange juice in a certain container ?
a) The amount of apple juice added was 3/2 of the amount of orange juice in the container
b) There were 5 liters of orange juice in the container✔
d) One cannot calculate how many liters of apple juice were odded to the orange juice without knowing both the answers.
৫৫. By what percent was the price of a certain television set discounted for a sale?
a) The price of the television set before it was discounted for the sale was 25 percent greater than the discounted price
b) The price of the televison set was discounted by Tk. 60 for the sale✔
c) Declares that the television set
d) Discounted by 25 percent for sale , we do not need.
সাধারণ জ্ঞান প্রশ্ন সমাধান
১. After the USA, which of the following countries has the largest economy in the world?
a) England
b) Russia
c) Japan
d) China✔
e) None of these
২. Which of the following countries is in the top position in terms of exporting ready made garments?
a) Bangladesh
b) India
c) Japan
d) China✔
e) None of these
৩. How frequently does the Bangladesh Bank announce the Monetary Policy of Bangladesh?
a) Quarterly
b) Semi annually✔
c) Annually
d) Monthly
e) None of these
৪. Which of the following is the highest authority for approving the economic policies and development plans in Bangladesh?
a) Planning Commission
b) Ministry of Finance
c) Ministry of public Administration
e) None of these
৫. In which country was the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2011 held?
a) England
b) Australia✔
c) India
d) New Zealand
e) None of these
৬. In which city of the United States of America is the Wall Street located?
a) Washington DC
b) Los Angeles
c) Detroti
d) New York✔
e) None of these
৭. On which date the national flag of Bangladesh was upheld first?
a) March 7, 1971
b) March 2, 1971✔
c) March 26, 1971
d) April 17, 1971
e) None of these
৮. In which city will the Olympic Games 2012 be held?
a) Paris
b) London✔
c) Rome
d) Barlin
e) None of these
৯. Who is the President of the National Assembly of Bangladesh?
a) Most Senior MP
b) Prime Minister
c) Speaker✔
d) Chief Whip
e) None of these
১০. Which of the following trees is the national tree of Bangladesh?
a) Jackfruit Tree
b) Banyan Tree
c) Palm Tree
d) Mango Tree✔
e) None of these
১২. What is the next number in the series : 1, 1, 2, 4, 3, 9, 4, 16—–?
a) 5✔
b) 8
c) 20
d) 25
e) None of these
১৩. As yesterday is to the day after tomorrow, so Tuesday is to —
a) Saturday
b) Sunday
c) Monday
d) Friday✔
e) None of these
১৪. Parvez has a total of four balls in his pocket of which two are two are white. If he randomly picks one ball out of his pocket what is the probability that he will pick a red ball?
a) 50%✔
b) 66%
c) 25%
d) 33%
e) None of these
১৫. In a football league each team plays with every of the other teams twice. If the number of teams is 5 then what will be the total number of matches?
a) 5
b) 10✔
c) 15
d) 20
আরো পড়ুনঃ-
- ডাচ বাংলা ব্যাংক লিমিটেড প্রবেশনারী অফিসার (সফটওয়্যার) পদে নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান -২০১৬
- ডাচ বাংলা ব্যাংক লিমিটেড (DBBL) অফিসার পদের নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান ২০০৪
- সমন্বিত ৮ ব্যাংকের সিনিয়র অফিসার পদের নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান ২০২১
- সমন্বিত ৯ ব্যাংকের অফিসার (জেনারেল) পদে নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান-২০২২
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